Aambelon Old English Sheepdog Exhibitors of Supreme/Grand/Champions

Contact Form

Contact me by completing the form below.

Puppy Application Thank you for considering one of our puppies to add to your family. We are very selective to whom we sell our dogs to. If you would like to be considered for one of our puppies, then we ask of you too please fill out this application

Name: ______________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________ City: ___________________________________ State: ______ Postcode: _____________

Phone Number: (____) _____-_______ Mobile Number: (____) _____-_______ E-Mail: _____________________ 

Occupation: _________________________________ Work Hours: _________________________________


___House ___Apartment ___Townhouse __Other:____________________

Do you _____own or ____rent your home?

How long have you lived at this address? ________________________

If you rent, do you have the landlord's permission to keep a dog? _____________ *Landlords permission must be obtained & verified before release of puppy!


Do you have a completely fenced yard suitable for a dog? ___Yes ___No

Do you have a kennel run? ___Yes ___No Describe fence or kennel run - type, height and size: _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

If no fence or dog run how will you handle the dogs exercise and toilet needs? ________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have a suitable dog crate? ___Yes ___No If no, are you willing to purchase one? ___Yes ___No

HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION How many adults in the home: _______Children: _______

Age and gender of children_______________________________________________________________________

Are any members of you household allergic to animals? ___Yes ___No

Who in the household will have the main responsibility of caring for this pet? __________________________________________________________________________________________ How many hours & what time of day a will the dog be alone? ___________________________________________ Please describe your lifestyle: ____active ____passive ____in-between

OTHER ANIMAL INFORMATION Do you own other dogs? ___Yes ___No spayed/neutered? ___Yes ___No

Please list breed, size, and gender of each: __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you own cats? ___Yes ___No If yes, how many? ___________ Other animals in the home? ___Yes ___No if yes, please describe: _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________How many dogs have you owned in the past five years? ______________________________________________ If you do not still own the dog(s), please describe what happened to it (them). Please be specific. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Have you ever returned a pet to the breeder? ___Yes ___No If so, what were the circumstances? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Have you ever given a pet away? ___Yes ___No If so what were the circumstances? _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________Have you ever taken a pet to the pound or shelter? ___Yes ___No If so, what were the circumstances? _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you owned this type of dog before? ___Yes ___No Why did you choose this breed? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you know what the dog was bred to do? ___Yes ___No If so what? _________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ What activities do you plan on doing with this dog? ___ Pet ___ Obedience ___ Agility ___ Other: ______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Will you be attending any training classes? ___Yes ___No If so, what kind? _____________________________________________________________________________

Do you plan on keeping this dog primarily? ___Indoors ___Outdoors

Where will dog sleep? ________________________________________

Do you have a regular vet? ___Yes ___No Name: ____________________________________Phone:________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ 

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Your Email : (Valid email address needs to be entered)
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Your Message :
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Please type the characters from the YELLOW box.


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Contact Details
Maree Aitchison
Southern Tasmania, TAS, Australia
Email : [email protected]


Web Graphics by
Show N Tell Web Designs
Down Under

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Dogz Online - Dogs, Breeders, Puppies